Why Safeway?

We do a lot of vegan and vegetarian shopping due to my family eating pretty much only that. In our Safeway, there are a few sections to find items you'll need. There is one small vegan meat section right in between the fresh-cut meat and the packaged meat right at the end of the display case thing. Recently they added a few more items including impossible meat which is super excited and absolutely delicious. But they also added this green packaged. Which if you take a minute to read it you'll actually find that it's not vegetarian at all, its just ground beef with some extra added vegetables. If you look at the second photo you can see that the fake and real meat have a line that is very obvious, and actually, the square packaged meat to the right of the green is fake meat. So this real meat blend is right in the center of the fake meat. these pictures I took a while ago and it's still like this. It makes me upset because I almost put it in my cart because if it's in the fake meat section you'd assume it was fake. Like if fish was in the meat department and you could not see what it look like you'd assume it was meat. Yes, it only took a second to realize but I really don't appreciate it. I just wanted to share this, yes I still shop at Safeway I'm not one of those people. But every time I pass this section, which is every time I go to Safeway, I think there is a new product and in fact, there is not. 


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