Veggie Grill Review

This time we will be doing it by food because we got a whole bunch of food to try and we are with the whole family. So this post will be all over the place since so many people will be commenting. Each period will be the end of a thought.

Was good. Tasted like a regular good brownie. Crumbly. Yummm. A non-vegan person likes it. The baby also really enjoyed it.

Mac and cheese: the baby liked it a lot, I liked that it was dairy-free just like the restaurant. It was a good portion size for a toddler, it wasn’t too much or too little. 

Blt: I liked how different it was because it had a vegan pesto which made it new. I felt they needed to add more vegan bacon. But other than that really good.

Mashed potatoes: I really really liked their version of mashed potatoes it was made of cauliflower.

Things that were good: mandarin oranges. sweet potatoes fries. Ranch. Pepper Sause. Buffalo (but gotta be craving it). Sweet orange sauce. 

Wings (chicken fingers): these were my least favorite not because of taste but because we are 90% sure they are Gradien. This is good but if we could simply warm them up at home it doesn’t work getting out.

Deep Cauliflower and Deep-fried green beans: they were perfect I’d get them again 100%. 

Chipotle sauce: I didn’t care for this one, it just wasn’t good with the meal but if I was wanting it I think I’d enjoy it. 

Carrot cake: it was good and I’d buy it again. I’m not sure how much I liked it since I wasn’t feeling good. I felt like it was underwhelming.

The burger: I probably wouldn’t order this again, but that’s because of my preference for not loving beyond burgers. They just aren’t my favorite veggie burger, the bacon was alright but the whole burger fell apart because of the amount of sauce.

Nachos: didn’t care for the tofu, probably would have enjoyed it more with a different protein. The sauce was good.


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