
Showing posts from August, 2020

Blue Star Donuts Review

Vegan: The first one I tried was blueberry and I was surprised there was basil, couldn’t taste it but I liked that it was in it. The other donut was good and I liked it but I wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t like spices since it has cyan, but I’d eat it again. I liked that the guy at the register was friendly and nice, the place was clean, and I liked how they make their donuts, they talked about their company on the wall I liked that, especially the cooking in rice oil. And he was friendly when we asked for a card, he didn’t have one but he handed us their menu with other donuts as pictured. I also liked that it was near the hospital where we go weekly so easy to access for us. Vegetarian: The place was open and bright, very welcoming, I actually went in on a whim hoping they’d have some vegan donuts, someone was in front of me but as I was looking at the donuts I saw a “V” which lots of places just write for vegetarian. So I asked and he said it stood for vegan and went on to defe

Homemade Sloppy Joe

Completely from Scratch: 1 pound of fake ground beef (Gardein, LightLife, or your preference) ½ cup of ketchup ¾ cup of water 3 tablespoons of brown sugar 2 teaspoons of Annie's Worcestershire sauce  2 teaspoons of dry mustard ½ teaspoon of garlic powder ½ teaspoon of onion powder ½ teaspoon of salt Cook fake beef and season with preferred seasons. Stir in (everything else) the ketchup, water, brown sugar, Worchester sauce, mustard, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt. Reduce heat and cover and simmer for 10-20 minutes or until thickened. Mix and Enjoy. Ways to serve: Hamburger Buns Tostada  Nachos Over Fries

Perky Jerky Review

Vegetarian:  The flavor is okay but not exactly what I think of when I think of beef jerky. The texture is pretty spot on. But the shape and look are a little displeasing but so is regular jerky. I wouldn’t buy or ask for it again, it was a cool thing to try, but not something I’d ever really want but if offered I’d eat. But to take into consideration I don’t think I’ve ever craved beef jerky, as well as I, have never bought or asked directly for beef jerky so I guess I’d say it wasn’t any better or worse than regular jerky except for the fact that no animal was harmed which is good. I’d say a 5/10 Because it wasn’t great nor was it bad.  Vegan:  It’s good but very little for the price, the texture is pretty close to real jerky, has good flavor but a little dry, but beef jerky is supposed to be like that. It’s also gluten-free so that’s good. You can find it at Safeway, there are only 2 servings. If I was really craving jerky I would buy it but I’d really have to be craving it for that

Why Safeway?

We do a lot of vegan and vegetarian shopping due to my family eating pretty much only that. In our Safeway, there are a few sections to find items you'll need. There is one small vegan meat section right in between the fresh-cut meat and the packaged meat right at the end of the display case thing. Recently they added a few more items including impossible meat which is super excited and absolutely delicious. But they also added this green packaged. Which if you take a minute to read it you'll actually find that it's not vegetarian at all, its just ground beef with some extra added vegetables. If you look at the second photo you can see that the fake and real meat have a line that is very obvious, and actually, the square packaged meat to the right of the green is fake meat. So this real meat blend is right in the center of the fake meat. these pictures I took a while ago and it's still like this. It makes me upset because I almost put it in my cart because if it's i

Burgerville Bliss Shake Review

Vegan:  I got the Oregon strawberry bliss shake. Definitely can taste the coconut good for a hot day, feels hydrating. I definitely would get it again. But 16 oz is not enough. I like how it’s thick so it won’t melt as fast like regular ice cream (even vegan ones) Because we had to drive a few towns over and we were worried it wouldn’t last all the way home for a person who couldn’t leave the house. I wish there was a burger Ville closer. It’s more hydrating than most shakes like Dairy Queen, I wish more places were doing vegan shakes. Vegetarian:  I got the Almond butter and jam bliss shake. I think it tastes pretty good, very thick and the coconut is very powerful in flavor. I normally don’t like coconut but this one isn’t bad. The jam was placed on top in a little dollop and I mixed it in but I wish there was more jam. I’d probably get this again if it was offered but for the price I wouldn't go out and get it myself, to be fair I never buy ice cream or shakes they are n